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Monthly Camera Options
Monthly Camera Options

Monthly Camera Options

Regular price$20.00

Number of Cameras
SVR (Stream Video Recorder)
Add Live Guard Service- $75/mo. for the first camera, $5/mo. for each additional camera
  • Free shipping for orders over $50
  • 30 Day Satisfaction Returns
  • No Contract

What's included? app.

Video analytics and alerts with video clips sent to your phone.

Live check-in with 2-way audio.  Easy recorded footage search.

On-board 24/7 HD & audio recording (You must choose a storage amount option when purchasing the camera)

Night vision

Strobe light and siren

SVR- Holds 24/7 HD recordings and view on TV's and monitors.

Add Live Video Guards for $75/mo. +$5/ea. additional camera for up to 10 events per month.  $10/ea. per additional event.

OnWatch Live Video Guards.  Stop crime before it happens with our Video Monitoring Service. Our newest monitored video capability lets us use your video cameras for concierge monitoring and round-the-clock proactive defense. When a person or vehicle is detected by any of  your cameras on your property, the event is flagged for monitoring station operators to assess the situation. After reviewing the relevant clips, the operator can then engage would-be intruders and send dispatch as necessary. You have complete control over which cameras are included. Turn Live Monitoring on and off easily from the app.  Only clips from their chosen cameras will be accessible to operators. You can opt in or out of monitoring station forwarding on a camera-by-camera basis from the Monitoring Station Settings section of the customer website and mobile app. You can also completely turn off the rules from the Recording Rules section.  Carefully setting up rules and supply useful information like what kind of vehicle is normally parked in the drive or what color the employees uniforms are, will help keep false alarms to a minimum.   

Add Dedicated Cellular connection with back-up power for only $110/mo

Cameras require WiFi for monitoring and retrieving footage.  24/7 recording still works in the event of a WiFi outage.  Choose our dedicated cellular WiFi for the cameras and your whole home.  Comes with back up power in case of power outages.



Free Shipping and 30-Returns.

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